CV & LinkedIn Tips

Is the CV Dead?

Is the CV Dead?

The short answer to this question…..? YES… well, sort of! “But wait, (I hear you cry), you’re a CV writer - this is your bread and butter!” Well, of course, the answer is far more nuanced. When I say the ‘CV is dead’ I mean the ‘traditional’ CV is dead and in fact,...

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CK Futures CV Calculator

How Good is Your CV? Have you got everything you need on your CV? If you aren’t sure if your CV has everything an employer would want to see then use our simple checklist. Answer yes or no to each question where Yes = 1 and No = 0. Add up your score and see how your...

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CV Checklist

CV Checklist

If you aren’t sure if your CV has everything an employer would want to see, then use our simple checklist today. Add up your score and find out how your CV is doing.

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Is your CV weather tight or leaking?

Is your CV weather tight or leaking?

Your CV is very much like the roof of a house. You can keep patching it and patching it, but at some point you need to think carefully about whether it might be time to start from scratch. Fortunately, creating a professional CV doesn’t cost anything like a re-roofing...

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Your CV is being read by a robot!

Your CV is being read by a robot!

These days as the workplace becomes ever more influenced by technology – it feels like CV writing is becoming an art form. I was going to write about one of the great essentials in CV writing: how you should always make sure you fill your CV with plenty of words that...

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Santa’s CV Assessment

Santa’s CV Assessment

Even some of the most successful and popular personalities need to have their CV updated. This CV came from a Mr S. Claus who has clearly gained a lot of experience during his (very) long career – but still his CV is still letting him down so let’s have a brief look...

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What do recruiters want to see in a CV?

What do recruiters want to see in a CV?

Recruiters will invariably receive 50 - 100 applications for any one role, making it all the more harder for each applicant to make sure that his/her CV gets the attention it deserves. So what can you do to make sure that your CV gets seen and gets you nearer to that...

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How to write an interview generating CV

How to write an interview generating CV

Here are some guidelines on writing an interview generating CV. These simple tips will help you to really hone your CV and consider what elements make a CV stand out. Be Positive Leave out any negative information i.e. illness /divorce. Even the nicest of employers...

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